I haven't been blogging here too much lately. I've had too many other possible outlets to share brief thoughts with friends (facebook, twitter, et. al.) and too much work to do to compose longer ones. Just in case any friends are still checking in here, I thought I would share this cell phone photo I took during a visit to Atlanta's High Museum of Art. I like art museums, in part, because they give me an excuse to stare at objects without feeling self-conscious. Really, I often would like to carefully investigate the way light plays over a piece of junk in the street, or get lost in the texture of the sidewalk. But then people stare. If I spend 10 minutes looking at the brush-strokes of a painting, everybody thinks I'm erudite and refined.
Which I am not.
Anyway, I liked this window in the staircase of the High as much as I liked the collection.